Friday, August 19, 2011

So what is Studio Paperie?

I am soooo excited about Studio Paperie. It's like my mind & heart came together & was like "O yea... I want something like this, so surely other people will dig it, too."

And as I thought more and more about what Studio Paperie is and what it could be, my eyes got doe-eyed big. And then my mouth got involved, and I starting sharing all my ideas with my husband. About who Studio Paperie would be for, who all could benefit from it, who all could get involved. And I'm sure I sounded like a little kid talking about their Christmas list, because I got the response from an adult who is only half listening because the kid is talking so fast, only every other word is audible. "Wow, that's great, honey. Yea, that will be cool." [Note the periods resemble the lack of pure excitement from his voice.] Yet, I acted like he understood everything I was saying & was completely stoked about this, because I am so excited I can't stand it!

Are you catching on that I'm excited about this yet?!

When I started this post, I had every intention of telling you what Studio Paperie is, but now I want to keep you in a bit of suspense. [I don't know if I can keep quiet for another 24 hours, but I sure am going to try!] There is going to be so much to this project, and many phases. I'm going to want your feedback and ideas along the way. So stay tuned, because I'll let you in on what my plans are very soon!

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